Wednesday 19 February 2014

The order is finally here!

I haven't posted much in the last few days as I haven't had much to paint!

This is the problem when you mail order or place your trust in online companies. I've been waiting for my War walkers for 16 days, they finally got here today.

I have a lot to day in 10 days! Here's hoping I can do it....

Friday 7 February 2014

Update for the end of January

So I finished my work. Just gotta hope I do well in the interview now!!
So I thought I would start off with the army list that I'm aiming to work towards. This is the 1500 points.

There may be some tweaking by the end.


Farseer - Singing Speer


Dire Avengers (5)
Wave Serpent - Scatter Lasers

Dire Avengers (5)
Wave Serpent - Scatter Lasers

Dire Avengers (5)
Wave Serpent - Scatter Lasers

Dire Avengers (5)
Wave Serpent - Scatter Lasers

Dire Avengers (5)
Wave Serpent - Scatter Lasers

Dire Avengers (5)


Fire Prism - Holo-Fields
Fire Prism - Holo-Fields

This is 1500 points on the nose. 

From the Eldar book and the research I've done on the new 'dex I think this will be fairly competitive. I'm looking forward to using this.

As for the 400 point games that will be played shortly.

I have this floating around,

Dire Avengers (5)

Swooping Hawks (6)

War Walker Squadron
3 x Walkers with Starcannons and Scatterlasers 

Now this is what I've been working on this month.

I am aware that I haven't added the weapons on the walker yet, that's because I have lots of partially finished ones ><

They will be done soon. I also need to think of something over then red paint for the base on the WW. 

Real life as always gets in the way though. But then again with a new job I have more monies to buy plastic models with. So swings in roundabouts.

That's all from me at the moment. I hope to have an update for February soon!

Saturday 1 February 2014

Quick Update

So we have reached the beginning of February ...

Just to let you all know that I have finished my 200 points for the month I won't be posting pictures or details just yet as I do have some rather important deadlines for a very important interview in a week and then the second one in another week.

I shall be back as soon as I finish my paperwork!!

Saturday 18 January 2014

All WIP pics

I decided to take a load of pics so that you can see what everything looks like at the moment. 

This now the bottom of the war walker. This is almost done just need to do the top half, highlight and base it. 

This is the falcon so far. All I need to do to this is finish the turret and the gunner. Speaking of guns....

This is now magnetised and glued. I think the scatter laser will be the weapon of choice because why wouldn't you want a twin linked pulse laser? 

Finally this is the magnets on the war walkers weapons. This is a little messy as I still don't have 2mm drill bits. But it works, I'm sure the next one I do will look better. 

Friday 17 January 2014

Magnet heaven!

So with me playing catch up this month with the others I've been working on everything today. I've finally managed to get my magnets sorted on my falcon at least. 

These are 2x1mm magnets. These are a perfect size as all I did was cut the protruding part that goes though the gun and into the shield. Glue one magnet there. Then 3 magnets though the gun means I didn't have to worry about modifying that at all. Then more last magnet to sit in the shield part of the assembly. This now means I have the ability to swap and change :) 

This was the first time I have attempted something like this. I am rather pleased with how it's come out. 

WIP went missing.

So I meant to publish my last post weeks ago and forgot. Then I had to work for 2 weeks straight and didn't really have the energy to be painting. But I am now on a week off and have recovered so time to pick up the brushes once more. 

One thing that has always bugged me about the war walkers is they always seem so static. For a model that has scout I would have thought they would be slightly more dynamic in the posture. With that in mind here's the wip on my first one. 

The closet leg has been pinned in place to try and make it look like it's running. That's all from me so far. I've got a few more days to catch up on the dire avengers who are currently drying from a base coat. 

Monday 6 January 2014

The ball is really rolling now!!

This is crazy times!! In the space of just 3 days 3 out the 4 of us have now got blogs!! I know crazy right. So for those of you that are reading this and want to keep an eye on what the others are doing here is Ian's blog all about his crazy crazy Orks. 

I have always liked Ian's painting, I'm really looking forward see how he pulls off this. His plan is to paint his Orks as the locust from Gears of War. So there is so much inspiration to work from. 

As I write this I am sitting on a train and I was to distracted last night by my new shiny TV (which got a very disapproving look from my better half :p) to take pics of the war walker. But when I get home I will aim to put a few pics of the wip up.